Betta Fish Care While on Vacation

With all holiday plans, all your time will be spent planning out what you are going to be doing, packing, getting flights or travel arrangements in check, fourth dimension off of work, and enjoying every moment of being abroad. Whilst you tin take the dog away to friends or family, or the local carer, you may have forgotten about your honey Betta fish. And then what can you practise to ensure they are alive and well when you return?

Whilst there are plenty of articles online about "how long can my Betta fish survive without food" many forget that beingness salubrious isn't the same every bit survival, and volition leave your Betta susceptible to illness and infection, which may drastically reduce the lifespan of the fish.

The best idea to ensure your Betta is happy and healthy when you return is to tick all the boxes that come to its care, these include :


Depending on the length of time away from your Betta there are several different options for ensuring that your fish is well fed upon your return such as :

Automatic Feeders

Automatic feeders practise equally the name suggests, feed your fish without the need of you being there. Some of the products on the market place will manipulate dried food at a certain interval during the twenty-four hour period, for example every 12 hours, and others will give you the variability of choosing how often you lot desire the Betta to be fed, such as twice a 24-hour interval with a 6 hour interval.

I recommend using the EHEIM Battery Operated Auto Fish Feeder.

These are good options to consider if y'all are going to exist abroad for more then a week every bit it will keep to dispense food until the supply has run out. Nonetheless care must be taken if y'all are choosing a automatic feeder equally there a several reports online of over dispensing of food, or clogging of the dispenser. If the fish becomes over fed information technology can lead to a build up of ammonia in the tank causing the fish to become very ill very quickly, also every bit the fish becoming over fed which can cause constipation and bloating. If the dispenser fails to dispense food the fish volition simply starve to death afterward roughly 1 week, neither of which are skillful scenarios and will put a negative end to the vacation. So they should be setup well before you lot go out to ensure the setup is right for you.


Food Blocks

Food Blocks are a skilful option if you only intend to be abroad for a few days, with several varieties available on the market place and with relatively cheap cost. Some Blocks tin last up to 2 weeks but are less recommended for Betta fish as these are intended for apply in large aquariums with several fish, as to avoid over feeding. However if you lot are simply going to be away for less then a week many options will work well, as they slowly break down in the water and dispense small-scale amounts of nutrient, this will ensure the Betta is eating regularly until you return.

I employ the Vacation Food Slow Release Feeder Cake.


Tank Intendance

If you lot intend to travel for more then i week at a time, then organizing to have the tank cleaned or partially cleaned whilst you are away is very of import . There are several options for this which include:


With many small tanks they do not initially come with filters, so moving to a slightly larger tank or purchasing a filter may be necessary. Filters allow for sediment to be removed keeping the tank cleaner for longer, this tin can include removing backlog nutrient in club to avoid ammonia build up causing the water to become toxic . They also disturb the surface of the water causing air to be moved through the tank, cut down on pockets of stale or toxic water in the tank, this can likewise be achieved by purchasing an air bubbler. Many small filters tin can be obtained very cheaply and will create a better overall place for the Betta to live. If you intend to be away for longer and so 2 weeks and then you will need a more sophisticated filter organisation including several filters.


Tank Size

If Purchasing a filter is not an option and so moving to a larger tank may be an culling, with a larger tank comes a larger body of water, which ways that the water will take much longer to become toxic due to over feeding, equally well as cut downwardly on the hazard of the tank evaporating and becoming dry due to oestrus. Many larger tanks come with a filter already congenital in which volition benefit the fish in the long term. However if the tank is merely a temporary ready many alternatives can exist used such as large storage boxes. If this is the case ensure you prepare the new container in the aforementioned manner y'all would prepare a fish tank earlier use to ensure you are not introducing any new toxins or diseases to the surroundings.

Water Top Upwards

You may detect in the usual week betwixt tank cleaning that the water level of your tank has dropped significantly, this is due to evaporation due to heat or direct light and is a common problem in small-scale tanks. In order to keep the tank from going dry out whilst you are abroad, or the water level becoming also depression for the fish to survive happily, you may need to invest in a automated h2o peak up solution. At that place are several varieties of these units, some which are gravity fed, as the water in the tank drops the extra water slowly pushes its way into the tank keeping information technology full, others which require a pump and a sensor which do the same job. Either of these solutions work well, but volition require some amount of setup and testing before yous get away equally not to go out you with a dangerous mess when you return.

Fish Vacation

Family and Friends

Alternate options to filters and automatic feeders are much simpler things such as sending your Betta on a holiday of its own. Y'all may decided to ask family unit and friends to expect after your beloved fish whilst you are away, if this is the case you lot should ensure you equip them with knowledge of how to properly intendance for the Betta whilst you are away. Ensure yous Include everything from feeding, to cleaning the tank if yous are going to exist abroad for long plenty to need it. A good manner to do this is to make them do their homework and read up on the basics of Betta fish intendance .

Local Pet shops

Many local aquarium or pet shops allow you to pay to have your Fish kept with them whilst you are away, this isn't always cheap but its an option to consider if you are going to be away for any amount of extended time. It volition also ensure that your Betta is in the best of care, as they're ofttimes the experts when information technology comes to keeping and caring for fish. This requires you to do your own research and call effectually to local pet shops or aquariums and ask if they offer this service, or know of any others that do in your expanse.


Just like your vacation needs idea and planning to be successful, your Bettas health and well being does besides, in order to return home from your holiday to find a happy and salubrious Betta when you return certain measures have to be taken, and if you follow these tips so y'all'll be on your mode to a stress free vacation and and a happy Betta .

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